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Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Self-Healing Half-Day Workshop
Heal Yourself
Heal Others
Singing Bowl is easy to learn
Tuning Fork is easy to use
Self-Healing when no one else can
Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Self-Healing Half-Day Workshop
Do you know that on line Sound Therapy Healing teaching must never be taught online ? Because the vibration frequency penetration of the singing bowl and tuning fork in the classroom is quite different from the vibration frequency that the students listen to online, the sound heard online is very different from the sound listened to on site, and the online teaching lack of physical singing bowl and tuning fork practice and operation, face-to-face interaction with the trainer. The one-on-one half-day self-healing workshop by AK Sound Therapist Personal Trainer is straight forward and teach you one-on-one to teach you how to master the basic techniques and application skills of singing bowls and tuning forks in half a day, just as we are now in the epidemic at the time, you can heal yourself in your own place, strengthen your own anti-epidemic resistance, heal yourself, and you can also help friends and family members to do Sound Therapy Treatments, clear away the negative energy from the body, purify the qi, calm and rest, and experience an experience that is beyond you imagined journey of anti-epidemic healing! Since the workshop is one-to-one teaching, the number of places is limited, so register as soon as possible. Now that we are in the epidemic period.
Student Testimonial
Ming Lee, Hong Kong
Hugo Lam, Hong Kong
"AK greeted me with"Namaste". The sound healing workshop was easy to understand and his explanation is very clear. I enjoyed the vibration of the singing bowls and tuning forks. I have started to help my friends to clear away their negative energy with my bowl now after the workshop. AK is very nice, friendly and talented. His competence as a Sound Therapy Teacher is unquestionable. I highly recommend him."
Kevin Yap, Singapore
"I have recommended to look for AK for Sound Massage in HK by my friend, but I found out that he has half-day trainng workshop plus treament. I joined his workshop to learn the basic techiques of how to play the singing bowl and tuning fork. AK's one on one teaching which made me easy to learn the quick skills. It was interesting learning experience in my lifetime and the sound therapy treatment was wonderful. I will come again and would like to learn more from him."
Chen Wei, Malaysia
"I recently had a sound healing training with personal trainer AK in Hong Kong. Although it was only half-day workshop, but AK teached a quick way in order that you could operate the singing bowls and tuning forks accordingly. What a wonderful experience to hear and learn the different kinds of lovely sounds. AK is a such a great teacher, I highly recommend."
頌缽,英文叫 Singing Bowl, 即是會唱歌的缽,頌缽來自喜馬拉雅山區,頌缽是由全、銀、銅、鐵、鉛、錫、汞七種金屬合制而成,這些金屬代表著金星、火星、木星、太陽、月亮、土星、水星、因此頌缽也象微著宇宙合一完滿的境界。頌缽最早流傳於印度、尼泊爾及西藏。頌缽聲頻療癒是通過音頻和振頻對我們的身體和身心靈起到療癒的作甪。它能開動身體正能量氣場運作,排徐身體內堆積已久的負能量,更使身體全方位放鬆,調節心理、情緒、焦慮、抑鬱、恐懼、失眠等症狀,同時頌缽可以平衡調和人體七輪能量,幫您淨化心靈,內心即時變得平靜、身心舒緩狀態、喜悅、祥和,提升生活品質,對生命充滿自信。
音叉在1711年由英國宮延小號手John Shore發明,由於當時的魯特琴調音非常困難,至今己超過300歷史。甚麼是音叉聲頻治療?音叉亦可以講得是振頻藥物(Vibration Medicine) ,簡單來說音叉也是能量治療。音叉治療可以使身體產生共振頻率,不同的音叉有著不同的振頻,有效地連接身體的器官和穴位產生共振。在體內方面,音叉對解除痛症,放鬆肌肉有非常明顯的效果,快速調正和修復失衡的細胞。在能量方面,可以淨化氣場、舒緩失眠及負面精緒、安心定神、將心靈障礙打通,重返健康軌道。
AK 聲頻療癒師,為您教授尼泊爾頌缽所發出的充滿愛與正能量的振動頻率,音叉的奧妙能量治療,指導您如何在自己的地方自行療癒,亦可幫助朋友及家人作聲頻療程。
Heal Yourself Heal Others
Sound Therapy One to One Teaching Half-Day Workshop
Singing Bowl is a bowl that can sing. The Singing Bowl comes from the Himalayas. The Singing Bowl is made of seven metals: whole, silver, copper, iron, lead, tin, and mercury. These metals represent Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, and therefore the Singing Bowl also seems to be in a state of cosmic unity and perfection. Singing Bowls were first spread in India, Nepal and Tibet. Singing Bowl Sound Healing is a way of healing our body and mind through sound and vibration. It can activate the positive energy aura of the body, remove the negative energy accumulated in the body for a long time, and relax the body in an all-round way. Seven chakras of energy can help you purify your mind, instantly become calm in your heart, soothe your mind and body, joy and harmony, improve your quality of life, and be confident in your life.
Our body is composed of 70% water, and each cell in the body contains water, blood and other tissue systems. Whenever the sound penetration of the singing bowl enters the body, it will interact with the water in the body. Generate resonance, produce healing effect, let the body immediately enter a state of tranquility, a state of peace of mind and strengthen the immune system.
* 增強免疫力
* 提高自癒力
* 提高專注力
* 平衡脈輪
* 淨化身體氣場
* 去徐負面思想及情緒
* 改善細胞骨骼掛毒
* 治療腰酸背痛
* 治療失眠
* 活化身體機能
* 解除痛症、緊張、焦慮、抑鬱、壓力,疲勞等症狀
Benefits Of Singing Bowl &Tuning Fork Sound Therapy
* Stress reduction through relax and endorphin release
* Relieves pain and discomfort
* Detoxification down to the cellular and bone deep level
* Chakra balancing & Aura harmonizing
* Release emotional trauma locked within the subconscious
* Relief from headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, joint or muscle pain, emotional imbalances
* Profound on acupuncture meridians
Deeper sleep
* Synchronization of right and left hemispheres of brain
* Awakens body's natural healing mechanism to heal itself
The 7 Chakras Of The Human Body
The Ruler Of Life
There are 7 chakras in the human body. The chakras mainly affect people's spirit, psychology, physiology and health. A truly healthy person must achieve a good balance in the aspects of [body and mind]. The 7 chakras are the seven very important energy centers of human energy. The intersection point, they are in charge of the health of each part of the body. The chakra energy is the basic life energy in the human body. When the energy of the chakra is blocked and cannot be transmitted to the various meridians and organs, the negative emotions in the body continue to increase, resulting in accumulation of stress, feeling sad, anxiety, depression, fatigue or emotional breakdown will all contribute to a state of pulsatile imbalance. Long-term emotional restlessness and mental imbalance can cause various physical ailments such as: nasal allergies, gastroenteritis, heart disease, dementia, depression, sexual addiction, sexual dysfunction, and other symptoms are all related to chakra imbalances. When the chakra in the body is full of negative energy, it will spread to the whole body, causing people to attract [bad luck] one after another. It is necessary to clean up the negative energy immediately, otherwise the negative energy in the body will continue to accumulate and [reincarnation] in the body .
"When a sick man is "nourished" by the right kind of sounds, the cell in his body start to vibrate and re-organize themselves according to their divine blueprint."
聲頻療癒 = 振頻藥物
Sound Therapy = Vibration Medicine
第一輪:海底輪(Root Chakra)
第二輪:臍輪(性輪)(Sacral Chakra)
第三輪:太陽輪(Solar Plexus Chakra)
第四輪:心輪(Heart Chakra)
第五輪:喉輪(Throat Chakra)
第六輪:眉心輪(Third Eye Chakra)
第七輪:頂輪(Crown Chakra)
Symptoms of 7 Chakra Energy Imbalances
1. Root Chakra
Location: The end of the spine (between the anus and the genitals)
Color: Red in charge
Helps the health of the gluteal gland, coccyx, colon, etc., strengthens physical strength, motivation, and survival instinct.
Symptoms of imbalance: Physical fatigue, back pain, sciatica, constipation, insomnia, frigidity, easy anger.
2. Sacral Chakra (Sex Chakra)
Location: Below the navel (genital tube) Color: Orange in charge
Mainly in charge of emotion and sexual desire, help reproductive organs, seminal vesicles, bladder and anus and other health, strengthen sexual ability and reproductive ability.
Symptoms of imbalance: Inability to lift, urinary problems, diabetes, loss of appetite, emotional anxiety, easy withdrawal, lack of self-confidence.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Located in the middle of the navel and chest, close to the stomach Color: Yellow governing
The sun wheel is the power that governs sexual thinking, analysis, digestion, and absorption of knowledge.
Symptoms of imbalance: Physical fatigue, back pain, sciatica, constipation, insomnia, frigidity, easy anger.
4. Heart Chakra
Location: Between the breasts (chest) Color: Green governs
Mainly in charge of love and affection, compassion, kindness, and a commitment to harmonious interpersonal relationships.
Symptoms of imbalance: Heart disease, lung disease, immune system problems, lack of empathy, trouble with love, depression, anger.
5. Throat Chakra
Location: Respiratory system, throat Color: Blue in charge
Mainly in charge of self-expression and speech, expressiveness and creativity.
Symptoms of imbalance: Thyroid disorders, sore throat, hearing problems, lack of expression and creativity, mood swings.
6. Third Eye Chakra
Location: Between the eyebrows
Color: Indigo in charge:
Mainly in charge of insight, vision, intuition, imagination, new horizons. Symptoms of Imbalance: feeling lost, anxious, hallucinations, nightmares, eyestrain, headaches, studying.
7. Crown Chakra
Location: Top of the head (central nervous system/cerebellar cerebellum) Color: Purple in charge
Mainly in charge of wisdom, consciousness, creativity, leadership. Symptoms of imbalance: Lack of thinking, insomnia, headache, nervousness, poor memory, apathy, inability to concentrate.
OM 136.1 HZ, OTTO 128 HZ & 4096 C
音叉在1711年由英國宮延小號手John Shore發明,由於當時的魯特琴調音非常困難,至今己超過300歷史。甚麼是音叉聲頻治療?音叉亦可以講得是振頻藥物(Vibration Medicine) ,簡單來說音叉也是能量治療。音叉治療可以使身體產生共振頻率,不同的音叉有著不同的振頻,有效地連接身體的器官和穴位產生共振。在體內方面,音叉對解除痛症,放鬆肌肉有非常明顯的效果,快速調正和修復失衡的細胞。在能量方面,可以淨化氣場、舒緩失眠及負面精緒、安心定神、將心靈障礙打通,重返健康軌道。
OM音叉,顧名思義,它所發出的聲音是宇宙原音,OM的振動頻率136.1 赫茲,梵文:OM(唵) ,它的發音有三個音節分前是A, U和M(AUM)。這個字經常在印度經和佛經出現,如佛經的六字大明咒(OM MANI PADME HUM),它是宇宙中所出現的第一個音,也是嬰兒出生後所發出的第一個音,是所有創造之源、也是語言之母,OM,被稱為「永恒之音」、「心靈的頻率」與宇宙的振頻和諧共振,達致天人合一。
OM 136.1Hz音叉附有一對加重型圓錘(Weighted),因此振動可以更加持久,並強而有力的將振動傳到根部進行 [ 音灸 ],敲擊後,可將根部放在背脊骨、薦骨、胸骨處,讓OM的宇宙頻率打散、疏通糾結的能量硬塊,也可置於耳畔聆聽,讓振動能量傳導全身。OM音叉的振頻,能刺激細胞,促進循環,帶來身心的穩定與放鬆,敲擊後將根部放在胸口、頸骨、脊髓、頭背、腳底反射區或任何穴位點上振動,迅速打散有害能量,恢復氣脈暢通,若有兩支音叉,可同時敲擊後,置於雙耳旁,瞬間進入深度的冥想靜心狀態,能有效放鬆壓力、安定心神,恢復身體自癒能力……. 增強免疫力, 同時協助您歸於中心、向下紮根,並打開您的心輪、增強和平、愛與安全感,鎮定、舒緩緊張、快速有效地調整情緒、恢復和諧、與宇宙合一的存在感。
OM 136.1 Hz Tuning Fork音叉
OTTO 128 Hz Tuning Fork音叉
4096 C Crystal Tuner 水晶/天使音叉
屬高頻率能量脈輪音叉,水晶音叉的頻率是4096 Hz, 意思是一秒內震動4096次、聲音清脆隱定,幫您清理體內負能量,也能達到安心平和,是不錯的自我療癒工具之一。輕握音叉的柄,然後用小木錘或小水晶柱輕輕敲打,放在耳邊聆聽,或圍繞頭頂旋轉,建議用兩枝水晶音叉一起使用,音叉所發出的振頻正能量更加廣闊,使您即時進入舒緩境界,而且可用兩枝音叉進行互擊式敲擊,體驗不同的效果。
OM 136.1 HZ, OTTO 128 HZ & 4096 C
The Tuning Fork was invented in 1711 by the British palace trumpeter John Shore. Due to the difficulty of tuning the lute at that time, it has more than 300 years of history. What is Tuning Fork Sound Therapy? Tuning Forks can also be referred to as vibration medicine (Vibration Medicine). Simply put, tuning forks are also energy therapy. Tuning Fork Therapy can make the body generate resonance frequencies. Different tuning forks have different vibration frequencies, which can effectively connect the organs and acupoints of the body to generate resonance. In the body, the tuning fork has a very obvious effect on relieving pain, relaxing muscles, and quickly adjusting and repairing imbalanced cells. In terms of energy, it can purify the aura, relieve insomnia and negative emotions, calm down, clear the mental obstacles, and return to the healthy track.
OM is said to be the original sound of the Universe, from which all other sound emanates. This primordial vibration, with all its beautiful overtones, is the"music of our sphere," planet earth."According to ancient Sanskrit religious texts, the syllable, mantra and vibration, OM is said to be primordial sound of the Universe. The geometrical Sri Yantra shown is a visual representation of the creative force of the Universe.
The OM 136.1Hz Tuning Fork is attached with a pair of weighted round hammers (Weighted), so the vibration can be more lasting, and the vibration can be transmitted to the root strongly for [sound moxibustion]. At the bone and sternum, let the OM's cosmic frequency disperse and clear the tangled energy lumps. It can also be placed by the ear to listen, so that the vibration energy can be transmitted to the whole body. The vibration frequency of the OM Tuning Fork can stimulate cells, promote circulation, and bring stability and relaxation of body and mind. After tapping, place the root on the chest, neck bone, spinal cord, head and back, soles of the feet or any acupuncture point to vibrate and quickly disperse. Harmful energy, restore the smooth flow of Qi, if you have two tuning forks, you can tap them at the same time, put them next to your ears, and instantly enter a deep meditation state, which can effectively relieve stress, calm your mind, and restore your body's self-healing ability... Enhance Immunity, while helping you to center, root down, and open your heart chakra, enhance peace, love and security, calm, relieve tension, adjust emotions quickly and effectively, restore harmony, and a sense of oneness with the universe.
OM 136.1 Hz Tuning Fork It belongs to the frequency energy chakra tuning fork, the sound is deep, it can open the resonance of the heart chakra, clear the chakra, beat it with a small hammer and rotate around the top of the head, put it on the ears to listen, or put it on the chest, establish a stable energy center, calm peace of mind, and the tuning fork can be placed on other parts of the body such as the neck bone, back, and soles of the feet to vibrate directly, which can relieve pain.
OTTO 128 Hz Tuning Fork It is a low-frequency energy chakra tuning fork. OTTO Tuning Fork can be used to treat the bones of the body. It is suitable for hitting the painful parts of the body to generate vibration frequencies, such as joints and acupuncture points, which can help stimulate cells, stimulate and vibrate your bone tissue to get back on track. , Relieve pain, improve blood circulation, make you deeply relax and calm the mind, make people more grounded and return to body awareness.
4096 C Crystal Tuner Crystal/Angel Tuning Fork It is a high-frequency energy chakra tuning fork. The frequency of the Crystal Tuning Fork is 4096 Hz, which means that it vibrates 4096 times in one second. one. Hold the handle of the tuning fork lightly, then tap it lightly with a small wooden hammer or a small crystal column, listen to it by your ear, or rotate it around the top of your head. It is recommended to use two crystal tuning forks together. You're instantly in a soothing state, and you can hit each other with two tuning forks
Crystal Tuning Forks can also purify negative energy in indoor spaces such as homes, offices, restaurants, unfamiliar places or uneasy environments, as well as animals, plants, objects, etc. First pick up the crystal tuning fork, tap the small crystal column to the four corners of the room, clean and purify the negative energy of the indoor space. In addition, the crystal tuning fork can also purify the crystal and gemstones and enhance their healing energy. Tap the crystal tuning fork, and make 3 circles counterclockwise around the crystal or gemstone. Make 3 circles in the clockwise direction, which means to bring positive energy back into the crystal body.
導師AK將滿月缽(Full Moon Singing Bowl)的療癒基礎手法加進課程內, 由於滿月缽價格昂貴及生產量不多, 因此坊間一些療癒課程可能很小用上滿月缽為學生教學.
滿月缽只能在每個月滿月當天晚上才能掣造, 而且當天晚上沒有刮起大風和烏雲蓋頂才可以用人手掣作. 由於滿月夜連接了大自然和宇宙的能量,因此掣造出來的滿月缽充滿了宇宙的能量,擁有超強振動頻率及奇妙的穿透力, 可以全方位軀走體內的負能量, 助你產生正能量和積極思為.
What Is Full Moon
Singing Bowl
AK added the basic healing techniques of Full Moon Singing Bowl into the course content. Due to the high price of Full Moon Singing Bowl and the small production volume, some healing courses in the market might be not used the Full Moon Singing Bowls to teach students. The Full Moon Singing Bowl can only be made on the night of the full moon every month, and it can be made by hand when there is no strong wind and dark clouds that night. Because the full moon night connects the energy of nature and the universe, it is made the full moon bowl is full of cosmic energy, with super vibration frequency and wonderful penetrating power, it can disperse the negative energy in the body in all directions, and help you generate positive energy and positive thoughts.
Wind Gong Bath & Singing Bowl Integrated Healing
Wing Gong Bath means bathing in a hot spring of sound. The Sound Wind Gong Bath awakens the body's functions, regulates the heart and emotions, releases stress, and help the body's immunity to recover. The Sound Therapy produced by the Wind Gong is similar to the sound WIND and is named after it. the Gong Healing uses the sound and vibration of the Wind Gong to rush out the body's acupoints, release tension, anxiety, improve sleep and stimulate the body's nervous system, so that people can become calm and comfortable in an instant, and enter a static state. It is especially effective for people with anxiety and stress, driving away netgative energy from the body and achieving healing effectives.
7 Chakras Healing Chants
Tingsha Bell used together with Singing Bowl Sound Healing
Ting Sha, also known as Ping Ling, Ting Sha is a musical instrument that strikes each other. The sound of Ting Sha is crisp and pleasant, long and long, which is very suitable for healing, and Ting Sha can be used to open the 7 chakras of the human body and purify the air. field, heal yourself. The crisp audio produced by Ting Sha is calm and comfortable, and it is a good healing tool.
丁夏,又稱碰玲, 丁夏為相互擊鳴之樂器,丁夏所發出的聲音清脆悅耳,綿長悠遠,極適合作療癒之用,而且丁夏可用作人體脈輪開啓,凈化氣場,給自己療癒。丁夏所發出的清脆音頻,令人平靜安逸,是不錯的療癒工具。
頌缽 . 天使音叉 . 流倒香深層五共振療癒法
Singing Bowl Angel Tuning Fork Backflow Incense Deep Five Senses Healing Therapy
Five senses refer to the five senses of the human body: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. That is vision, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. AK's new and unique five-sign resonance anti-epidemic healing therapy can help you strengthen the resistance to disease and infection in the current plague, drive away negative energy in the body, and enhance immunity. The treatment will bring your vision, sight , hearing, and smell into a purification space that travels through time and space. With the vibrating frequency of the Singing Bowl and the Angel Tuning Fork, the aroma of the retrograde fragrance will sterilize, releasing the long-standing negative energy accumulated in your body, one by one. Eliminates the body, improves the body's magnetic field, eliminates the fear in the heart, and achieves physical and mental health.
導師教授Sa Ta Na Ma 冥想,它是一項思想波動的淨化過程,具有強大的凈化功能,可以除去我們心裡雜念,緊張,壓力與煩亂,讓我們的思緒變得平靜清晰,不受外界的干擾和影響,在清晨和睡覺前練習效果更好。
AK taught Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation, which is a purification process of mind fluctuations, with a powerful purification function, which can remove distractions, tension, stress and annoyance in our hearts, so that our thoughts become calm and clear, free from external disturbances And the effect is better when practiced in the early morning and before going to bed.
最簡單方法就是用白鼠尾草(White Sage) 或秘魯聖木(Palo Santo Holy Wood) 去凈化完成療癒後的頌缽與音叉。首先將白鼠尾草或秘魯聖木放在陶瓷器皿上,然後將白鼠尾草或秘魯聖木燃燒起來,之後將火種潑息,用煙燻作淨化,能將頌缽和音叉徹底清洗,回覆原本的狀態。
白鼠尾草(White Sage)
白鼠尾草是一種開心的正能量,鼠尾草的拉丁字Salvere意思為 [ 治療 ] 、[ 拯救 ] 。鼠尾草的味道亦能舒緩精神並放鬆心情,有助你除去身上、家裡及物件的負能量。白鼠尾草(White Sage) 在遠古是一種神聖的草藥,透過白鼠尾草淨化,幫助您釋放身心,心靈回復平衡,這個過程叫Smudging(以煙燻作保護) ,簡稱[ 煙燻 ]。白鼠尾草煙燻可作為一種淨化身心的定期保健,它能徹底為您的身心清洗,補充您的生命活力。
秘魯聖木(Palo Santo Holy Wood)
生於南美洲的秘魯聖本(Palo Santo Holy Wood) ,在當地被視為神聖的樹木,除了氣味香甜外,秘魯聖木可清除負能量、療癒感冒、消毒殺菌、驅蚊、過敏、緊張、焦慮和放鬆,靜化空間及平靜心神。秘魯聖木擁有一種獨特的木香,點燃時有木頭清香而不嗆鼻,就算沒有點燃也有淡淡的香味散佈在空間中,是我們必備的淨化用品,以及帶來好運。
How To Purify A Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork
The easiest way is to use White Sage or Palo Santo Holy Wood to purify the healed singing bowl and tuning fork. First put the white sage or holy wood on the ceramic utensils, then burn the white sage or holy wood, then pour the fire into the air, and use smoke for purification, which can thoroughly clean the singing bowl and tuning fork, and restore the original state.
Burning White Sage and Smudging with white sage is ancient spiritual ritual of cleaning a person, or a space of unwanted energies. Smudging refers to the ritual of burning of the sage and it has pleasant sweet smell when it is burned. It is not only burned for its sweet smell and it is burned in a home or space to get rid of unwanted and negative energies. The smoke attaches to the energies and spirals upward to clear your body by AK Smudging with White Sage Healing Therapy.
Benefits Of Burning White Sage
- Help relieve the symptoms of some conditions
- It can be a spiritual tool
- Help dispel negative energy- Help to improve your mood- Help sooth stress- Improve the quality of your sleep- Help boost cognition and energy levels- It can create an uplifting fragrance
Palo Santo is another of my favorite energy cleaning tools. Palo Santo means"Holy Wood" in Spanish. This sacred wood comes from the Palo Santo trees of South America. When it's burned, the smoke is believed to provide medicinal and therapeutic healing energy. Its calming and relaxing aroma is incredible, standing among the greatest of the world's fragrant wood. Because of the extraordinary blessings it bestows upon those who have the good fortune to use it, this wood has touched the hearts and minds of countless people.
Benefits Of Burning Palo Santo Holy Wood
- Spiritual purifying and energy cleaning
- Inspiring creativity and bringing love and good fortune
- Bringing a deeper connection to the divine source
Certificate of
Certificate will be issued by AK Trainer on the day after the students has completed the entire workshop course and passed the final examination
時間:2:30 pm – 7:00 pm(包括導師30分鐘的免費聲頻療程及白鼠尾草/秘魯聖木煙燻療法
費用:HK$1,550 /HK$1,400(二人同行)
早鳥優惠價: HK$1,350
附註: 每月逢星期六及星期日坊有開班或查看以下開班日期,而且學員亦可自訂上課日期及時間,詳程請向導師查
Details For Enrollment
Course: Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Self-Healing Half-Day Workshop(One to One Teaching)
2:00 pm - 7:00 pm including Free Sound Therapy Treatment by AK Trainer(30 Mins) and Free White Sage/Palo Santo Holy Wood Smudging
Trainer: AK Sound Therapy Personal Trainer
Price: HK$1,550/HK$1,400(Discount for two persons)
Early Bird Discount
HK$1,350(Book and pay 30 days prior to the course beginning
Address: 2 Tsap Fai Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
Remarks: Workshop starts almost every Saturday and Sunday monthly, or check the following dates, and students can customize the class date and time. Please check with AK Trainer for details
[ 走缽療法 ],[ 滿月缽基礎療癒手法 ],
[ 如何使用風鑼浴療法 ]
使用OM , OTTO & 4096 C音叉基礎手法
如何運用Sa Ta Na Ma 冥想
頌缽香薰推油 [ 走缽療法 ] 的運用技巧與實踐
Certificate Course Content
AK Sound Therapy Personal Trainer
Exclusively Teaches HK First Moving Singing Bowl Aromatherapy Massage Walking Singing Bowl Therapy, Basic Healing Techique of Full Moon Singing Bowl, How to use Wind Gong Bath Therapy
1. Striking of singing bowl and tuning fork sonic healing and the principle of body interaction
2. How to use a singing bowl and tuning fork including self-healing. It can also help friends and family members with sound healing
3. Study basic techniques of how to play singing bowl, STRIKING - to strike the side of the bowl with a mallet
4. Study basic techiques of how to play singing bowl, RIMMING - to rub the rim of the bowl with a mallet
5. How to use OM, OTTO and 4096C tuning basic techiques
6. How to use singing bowl, tuning fork, tingsha bell for healing whole body front, back and head
7. How to play multiple singing bowls
Introducation to the 7 Chakras of human body and the principle of the corresponding singing bowl and tuning fork
8. Introducation of 7 Chakra Color Therapy
9. Singing Bowl, Angel Tuning Fork, Back Flow Incense, Deep Five Senses Resonance Healing Therapy
10. How to do Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation
11.Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork buying guide for beginners and how to clean singing bowl and tuning fork
12. How to do Moving Singing Bowl Aromatherapy Massage
13. How to play Wind Gong
Free Sound Therapy Treatment(30 Mins) after workshop by Trainer AK
14. How to play Wind Gong
15. Free Sound Therapy Treatment(30 Mins) after workshop by Trainer AK
C班 : 1月26日(星期日)
January Workshop Course Date:
Course A:Jan 8 (Sun)Full
Course B:Jan 12(Sun)Full
Course C : Jan 26(Sun)
2025 Febuary Workshop Course Date:
Course A: Feb 2(Sun)Full
Course B: Feb 16(Sun)
Course C: Feb 23(Sun)
Remarks: Class dates can be arranged flexibly. Students can arrange the class date and time by themselves. Please check with Trainer AK
付款方式/Form Of Payment
轉數快戶口:9882 2943
PayPal 信用咭付款
Kindly let us know in which way you would like to pay, so that we can follow up and issue a receipt of you. After we receive your payment and it means successful registration. If you are unable to participate in the workshop after registration, the paid fee will not be refunded. You can transfer your payment to your friends, or purchase AK Sound Therapy Treatment
FPS Account: 9882 2943
Bank of China Payment Transfer:
PayPal Credit Card Payment