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AK Hug Gay Massage Pricing
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AK Hug Gay Massage Pricing


AK Cozy Place

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HK Hotel/Local Home

PH: 無痛脱掉男仕私處陰毛療程30分鐘 HK$480

有毛髮的地方就會排汗, 容易潮濕悶熱, 藏汙納垢, 滋生細菌, 除了頭髮跟鬍子外,私密處的毛髮整理也是不能馬虎.


體毛過於濃密的男性一定為此有所困擾, 而定期修整私密處毛髮於外, 除了外觀上整潔及視覺效果,於內擁有更好的舒適度與保持衛生環境.




Aromatherapy Full Body Oil Massage

Massage Therapy Styles: Aromatherapy, Indian Ayurvedic, Body Scrub, Hot Stone, Thai Herbal Ball, Facial, Indian Face & Head Massage and Chair Massage

Massage Code No: 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09 ,10 & 01

Aromatherapy Full Body Oil Massage

No. 02: Aromatherapy Full Body

Oil Massage


60 Mins HK$400

90 Mins HK$480

現售now only HK$400(90 Mins)

Men's Body Scrub

No. 03: Aromatherapy  Full Body Oil

Massage + All Natural Full Body Scrub Treatment

全身香薰推油按摩 + 全天然去死皮潔膚磨砂療程

90 Mins HK$550

最多人選 most popular

現售now only HK$450

Thai Herbal Ball Massage

No. 04: Aromatherapy Full Body Oil

Massage + All Natural Hot Stone Massage or Thai Herbal Ball Massage

全身香薰推油按摩 + 天然能量熱石療程或泰式草藥球古方法按摩

90 Mins HK$550

最多人選 most popular

現售now only HK$450

Indian Ayurvedic Full Body Oil Massage

No. 07: Indian Ayurvedic Full Body Oil Massage


80 Mins HK$520

最多人選 most popular

Indian Ayurvedic Face, Head and Shoulder Massage

No. 10: Indian Ayurvedic Face, Head and Shoulder Massage with Indian Navratna Ayurvedic Oil

印度式頭部, 面部, 肩膀按摩, 採用印度原装進口阿育吠陀草藥球

45 Mins HK$300

Men's Facial

No.06 : Men's Skin Reborn Crystal

Facial with 7 Chakra Healing + Chiar Massage

男仕七輪水晶倒模面膜再生年輕肌膚療程 + 椅子按摩

60 Mins HK$400

Chair Massage

No. 09: Chair Massage(Including Massage Bed) + Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy + Wind Gong Bath + Aromatherapy


椅子按摩(包括按摩床) + 頌缽及音

叉聲頻治療 + 風鑼浴 + 全身香薰


100 Mins

Regular Price: HK$780

After 30% Off: HK$546

Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork Sound Therapy

No.01 : Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork

Sound Therapy + Wind Gong Bath

+ Aromatherapy Massage 

頌缽及音叉聲頻治療 + 風鑼浴 +


90 Mins HK$700

After 30% Off: HK$490

最多人選 most popular

Sound Therapy

+ Aromatherapy Massage

Sound Massage Therapy Styles: Singing Bowl, Tuning Fork, Wind Gong Bath, Ting Sha Bell, White Sage & Palo Santo Holy Wood Smudging

Massage Code No: 01A, 05, 08 & 11

Buy 1 Get 1 Free Aromatherapy and Sound Therapy

No. 01A: Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy + Wind Gong Bath + Aromatherapy Massage

頌缽及音叉聲頻治療 + 風鑼浴 +


90 Mins


平均每個療程只需: HK$325

最多人選 most popular

Men's Sex Healing Therapy

No. 05: Moving Singing Bowl & Powerful Tuning Fork Sound Therapy with Sacral Chakra Healing fror Men's Sexual Health + Wind Gong Bath + Aromatherapy Massage

男仕臍輪 - 頌缽及音叉聲頻刺激能量層七輪健康性治療 + 走缽療法 +

風鑼浴 + 全身香薰推油按摩

120 Mins

Regular Price: HK$850

After 30% Off: HK$595

最多人選 post popular

現售 now only 90 Mins HK$480


透過體外頌缽及音叉振頻技術治療, 提高性力, 使血管新生, 改善血液循環.

Improve sexual performance through extracorporeal Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork vibration technology, regenerate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

AK Hug Gay Massage Pricing

No. 08: Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy + Wind

Gong Bath + Ting Sha Bell Sound  


頌缽, 音叉, 風鑼浴及丁夏聲頻治療

60 Mins


最多人選 most popular

AK Hug Gay Massage Pricing
AK Hug Gay Massage Pricing
AK Hug Gay Massage Pricing

Why AK Professional Wellness is Your Best Massage & Sound Therapist?

Customer Review

Armando,  US

A REAL DEAL - "Awesome aromatherapy massage plus Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy. Great Experinece. Akiss is very attentive, great skills and accmmodated my needs. He is a real deal and delivered a 5 Star massage for me......had a good time with him!"

Customer Review

Clifton, Canada

FANTASIC SINGING BOOWL & TUNING FORK SOUND THERAPY - "I have tried his unique Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork Sound Therapy combined with full body aromatherapy. Akiss told me that this therapy is great for people who are particularly stressed or worried. His treatment took me to a level of relaxation and I felt asleep during the session. I would highly recommend Akiss, not only does he has a good reputation, he is very polite, professional with wide depth on massage and sound therapy knowledge!"

Customer Review

James, Hong Kong

GREAT EXPERIENCE - "I recently had a body scrub, singing bowl and tuning fork and oil massage with AK. It was an experience like no other I have had before.It was interesting to learn a bit about the sound therapy. I felt completely calm and relaxed the entire time from the moment I walked into his place. I left feeling very relaxed and positive. Since then, I have slept well each night which was something I had been having difficulty which for some time before I went to AK. If you're looking for a unique and professional massage experience, this is the place to go!"

Add-On Therapy添加療程

The best value Add-On Therapy


Men's Body Scrub
Hot Stone Massage
Thai Herbal Ball Massage
Chinese Herbal Hot Foot Spa
Men's Facial
Men's Skin Body Lotion Treatment
Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork Sound Therapy

What I Offer My Types Of Massage & Sound Therapy

No.01/頌缽及音叉聲頻療程 + 風鑼浴 + 香薰推油按摩療程90分鍾

原價: $700/折扣後(七折): $490


No.01/Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy + Wing Gong Bath + Aromatherapy Massage

90 Minutes Session/Original Price: $700 /After 30% off: $490

The Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork Sound Therapy is suitable for symptoms such as insomnia, tension, anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue, to drive away the negative energy in the body, and achieve the effect of physical and mental health. The Wind Gong Bath wakes up the body's functions, restores calmness in an instant, and enters a quiet state. The Sound Therapy array emitted by the Wind Gong is named after the sound of the wind.

No. 01A/買一送一/頌缽及音叉聲頻療程 + 風鑼浴 + 香薰推油按摩 90 分鐘




No: 01A/ Buy 1 Get 1 Free/ Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy + Wind Gong Bath + Aromatherapy Massage/90 Minutes Session HK$650/Only HK$325 per session

The Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork Sound Therapy is suitable for symptoms such as insomnia, tension, anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue, to drive away the negative energy in the body, and achieve the effect of physical and mental health. The Wind Gong Bath wakes up the body's functions, restores calmness in an instant, and enters a quiet state. The Sound Therapy array emitted by the Wind Gong is named after the sound of the wind.

No. 02/ 全身香薰按摩療程 60 分鐘


No. 02/Aromatherapy Full Body Oil Massage 60 Minutes/HK$400

Release stress and muscle pain, improve blood circulation, vigorously activate mind and body that will lead you in a state of bliss.

No. 03/全身香薰推油按摩 + 全身天然有機去死皮磨砂療程 90 分鐘


No.03/ Aromatherapy Full Body Oil Massage + All Natural Full Body Scrub Treatment
90 Minutes Session HK$450

Remove dirt and reduce oil secretion, make skin look more beautiful, energize tired skin aging, help remove dead skin cell, deeply cleaness and make your skin silky smooth and moisturizing your skin. Your skin will become very soft and smooth after treatment.

No. 04/全身香薰推油按摩 + 天然能量熱石療程 90 分鐘


No.04/Aromatherapy Full Body Oil Massage + All Natural Hot Stone Treatment
90 Minutes Session HK$450

Hot Stone treatment is a natural therapy in which warmed stones are to be maximize the therapeuyic benefit,  therefor if your muscles are tight and stiff, the heated natural stones helps to provide extra relaxtion for you. Release the energy will help to strengthen all parts  of your body, promote blood circulation.

No. 05/男仕臍輪 - 聲頻剌激能量層健康性治療 + 頌缽及音叉聲頻治療 + 風鑼浴 + 推油走缽療法 120 分鐘
原價:HK$850/折扣後(七折): HK$595

臍輪(生殖器官)影響你的性慾和享受高潮的樂趣,AK 利用頌缽和音叉的振頻穿透力直入性輪能量層,使性輪更活性地流通,剌激性慾,享受健康的性愛。頌缽及音叉所發出的振頻為你油走、推走體內堆積已久的負能量,剌激淋巴系統,令身心靈完全得以釋放。透過體外頌缽及音叉振頻技術治療, 提高性能力及治療勃起障礙功能, 使血管新生, 改善血液循環.

No.05/Moving Singing Bowl & Powerful Tuning Fork with Sacral Chakra Healing for Men's Sexual Health + Wind Gong Bath + Aromatherapy Massage
120 Minutes Session/Original Price: HK$850/After 30 % Off: HK$595


The Sacral Chakra affects your libido  and enjoys the pleasure of orgasm. This unique moving Signing Bowl and powerful Tuning Fork using the vibration power of the bowl and tuning fork to clear away, oil away the negative energy. Using the Sacral Chakra to engage with your sexuality by moving Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork. The Sacral Chakra is located just above the public bone and is responsible for passion, sexuality, intimacy, money, creativity and joy. Improve sexual performance and heal erectile dysfunction through extracorpareal Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork vibration technology. regenerate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

No.06/男仕七輪水晶面膜倒模再生年輕肌膚 + 椅子按摩療程 60 分鐘

AK 將水晶放置在你的七個脈輪上及利用水晶音叉將你的體內的負能量驅走,平衡脈輪。全功能深層面膜倒模再生療程令你年輕肌膚再現。你不用沐浴及脫掉衣服,可趁午飯時間光臨AK療癒工作室,只需一個小時就可完成整個療程,令你由內致外煥然一新,減壓又愉快。

No.06/Exclusive Men's Crystal Facial With 7 Chakras Healing  + Chair Massage

60 Minutes Session HK$400

AK Puts crystals on your 7 chakras and use the crystal tuning fork to drive away negative energy from your body and balance the chakras. A full-featured deep modeling mask inversion rejuvenation treatment that rejuvenates your youthful skin. You don't have to take a shower or take off your clothes, you can visit the AK Sound Therapy Healing Studio during lunch time, and the entire treatment can be completed in just one hour.

No.07/印度阿肓吠陀全身草藥油推油按摩 80 分鐘
原價: HK$650/平宜: HK$130/現價: HK$520

阿肓吠陀按摩始於古印度阿肓吠陀壓力點原理 , 能活化我們的身心靈, 包括預防疾病﹨恢復活力和治療隱疾甚為有效. 按摩中, 使用温暖草藥精油, 療程放在身體的能量點, 療程包括印度式頭部及面部按摩.

No.07/Indian Ayurvedic Full Body Oil Massage
80 Minutes Session/Regular Price: HK$650/Save: HK$130/Now: HK$520


Ayurvedic Massage is based on ancient Indian principles of Ayurveda and pressure points, designed to heal the body and create a balance between mind, body and spirit. The use of essential warm oils and focus on specific energy points in the body makes an Ayurvedic Massage different from regular massage. Indian style face and head massage are included.

No.08/頌缽, 音叉, 風鑼浴及丁夏聲頻療程 60 分鐘



No.08/ :SInging Bowl, Tuning Fork, Wind Gong Bath and Ting Sha Bell Sound Therapy
60 Minutes Session/HK$600

The Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork Sound Therapy is suitable for symptoms such as insomnia, tension, anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue, to drive away the negative energy in the body, and achieve the effect of physical and mental health. Ting Sha, also known as Ping Ling, Ting Sha is a musical instrument that strikes each other. The sound of Ting Sha is crisp and pleasant, long and long, which is very suitable for healing, and Ting Sha can be used to open the 7 chakras of the human body and purify the air. field, heal yourself. The crisp audio produced by Ting Sha is calm and comfortable, and it is a good healing tool.

No. 09/椅子按摩(包括按摩床) + 頌缽及音叉聲頻治療 + 風鑼浴+ 推油按摩 100分鐘

原價: $780 折扣後(七折): HK$546


No. 09/Chair Massage (Including massage bed) + Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy + Wind Gong Bath + Aromatherapy Massage

100 Minutes Session/Original Price: HK$780 /After 30% Off: HK$546

This chair is a specially manufactured massage chair, which is mainly designed for the pain of the back, shoulders, waist, head, arms and waist of the human body. The tensed muscles in the lower back and waist completely relieve the pain

No. 10/印度式頭部﹨面部﹨肩膀按摩, 採用印度原装進口阿育吠陀草藥油 45 分鐘


AK使用温暖的印度草藥油, 並進行印度式頭部和面部按摩, 按摩頭部可以幫助緩解頭痛和失眠, 而按摩面部可以幫助面部鬆弛皮膚重回彈潤緊緻回復彈性及健康.

No. 10/Indian Ayuredic Face, Head and Shoulder Massage with Indian Navratna Ayurvedic Oil

45 Minutes Session/HK$300

AK performs an Indian style head and face massage. Massage of head can assist to relive headaches and insomnia. Massage of face, it helps strengthen the face skin and make it healthier.

No.11/ 超級十項全方位按摩聲頻療程 150 分鐘

原價:$1,200 /折扣後(七折):$840


1. 頌缽及音叉聲頻療程  + 風鑼浴 + 推油走缽 + 男仕臍輪聲頻刺激能量層健康性治療   2. 全身香薰推油按摩   3. 椅子按摩   4. 天然能量熱石療程   5. 全身天然磨砂潔膚療程   6. 五感觀煙共振療法   7. 人體七輪色彩療法   8. 中藥古方沐足熱水按摩療程   9. 教授如何運用Sa Ta Na Ma冥想   10. 驅走體內負能量白鼠尾草或秘魯聖木煙燻療法

添加療程:男仕七輪水晶倒模面膜再生年輕肌膚療程 HK$120

No.11/Super Sound Therapy with 10 Treatments + Wing Gong Bath + Aromatherapy Massage

150 Minutes Session/ Original Price: HK$1,200 /After 30% Off: HK$840

Including the following 10 treatments;

1. Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Integrated With Wind Gong Bath

2. Moving Singing Bowl  & Powerful Tuning Fork with Sacral Chakra Healing for Men's Sexual Health  + Aromatherapy Full Body Oil Massage

3. Chair Massage

4. Hot Stone Healing Treatment

5. All Natural Full Body Scrub Treatment

6. 5 Senses Flowing Smoke Watching Incense Healing Treatment

7. Color Therapy combined with Angel Tuner & Crystal 7 Chakras Healing

8. Chinese Herbal Hot Foot Spa

9. Teaching Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation

10. White Sage or Palo Santo Holy Wood Smudging Treatment

Add-On Treatment: Men's Skin Reborn Ctystal Facial 7 Chakras Healing: HK$120

White Sage Smudging

free white sage

預約任何療程, 皆送白鼠尾草或秘魯聖木煙燻療法及人體七脈輪測驗

Book any types of therapies, you will be entitled to receive FREE White Sage or Palo Santo Holy Wood Smudging Treatment and FREE 7 Chakra Health Testing

free white sage

預約任何療程, 皆送白鼠尾草或秘魯聖木煙燻抗疫療法及人體七脈輪測驗

Book any types of therapies, you will be entitled to receive FREE White Sage or Palo Santo Holy Wood Smudging Treatment and FREE 7 Chakra Testing

Book any types of massage therapy

Enjoy free EMS Foot Massage

IMPROVE CIRCULATION - With EMS Technology, Full Automatic Massage Foot Circulation Massager Machine improve blood circulation in the feet & Legs and reduce leg muscle weakness. Can help foot Neuropathy, Cramps, plantar fasciitis, etc. 

改善循環系統 - 採用 EMS技術, 全自動按摩足部循環按摩器, 改善腳部和腿部的血液循環, 減小腿部肌肉無力, 可以幫助足部神經病﹨抽筋﹨足底筋膜炎等. 按摩腿腳EMS PULSE 不僅可以缓解腳部疼痛和脈搏, 還可以到達腿部以改善血液循環. 從最低強度開始, 當你感覺舒服時, 可逐漸增加強度. 減小腿腳腫脹和疼痛, 非常適合長時間工作後使用.

Foot Massage
for hotel out-call customers

Give Your Feet A Break

Hotel Out Call Gay Massage Services

HK Hotel/Local Home Out-Call Services

Massage Code No: H1, H2, H3 & H4

Massage takes place in the comfort of your hotel/home bed

Hotel Out Call Gay Massage Services
Hotel Outcall Massage Services

Special Offer Limited Time

AK will travel to all Kowloon Hotels, Hong Kong Island Hotels, Hotel Styled Service Apartments including Airport Hotels & Local Homes

Hotel Out Call Gay Massage Services


Hotel/Local Home Outcall Service


H1 : Aromatherapy Full Body Oil Massage


60 Mins HK$600

90 Mins HK$700

Hotel Out Call Gay Massage Services





Hotel/Local Home Outcall Service


H2 : Aromatherapy  Full Body Oil Massage +

+ Option1: Sound Therapy

+ Option 2: Full Body Scrub

+ Option 3: Full Body Lotion

全身香薰推油按摩 +

+ 選項01:頌缽及音叉聲頻治療

+ 選項02:全身天然去死皮潔膚磨砂

+ 選項03:全身深層滋潤肌膚療程

100 Mins HK$750

最多人選most popular

Hotel Out Call Gay Massage Services


Hotel/Local Home Outcall Service


H3 : Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy + Ting Sha Bell Sound Therapy 

頌缽, 音叉, 及丁夏聲頻治療

60 Mins HK$700

Hotel Out Call Gay Massage Services


Hotel/Local Home Outcall Service


H4:  Moving Singing Bowl & Powderful Tuning Fork Sound Therapy with Sacral Chakra Healing fror Men's Sexual Health + Aromatherapy Massage

男仕臍輪(性輪) - 頌缽及音叉聲頻刺激能量層七輪健康性治療 +

走缽療法 +  全身香薰推油按摩

90 Mins HK$750

120 Mins HK$850

最多人選most popular

透過體外頌缽及音叉振頻技術治療, 提高性能力, 使血管新生, 改善血液循環.

Improve sexual performance through Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork vibration techology, regenerate blood vessels and blood circulation

Form of Payment
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